Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm Update und Teaser.

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    Auch Modder brauchen mal Urlaub. In den letzten Wochen war es deswegen relativ ruhig um die Mod Rising Storm für Red Orchestra 2. Rising Storm ist nicht nur eine Mod die das Setting von Red Orchestra 2 auf den Krieg im Pazifik verschiebt, sondern auch ein kleines Experiment. Rising Storm wird offiziell von Tripwire unterstützt und hat schon vor dem Release von RO2 ein SDK und andere Unterstützung erhalten. Jetzt gibt es in Form eines Teasers, einen kleinen Appetithappen der Lust auf mehr machen soll und das meiner Meinung nach auch ganz gut schafft.

    Ansonsten gibt es auch andere Neueigkeiten vom Rising Storm Team:


    It’s been a busy few months for the Rising Storm team, integrating our work with the public version of the recently released Red Orchestra 2 SDK and getting on board some top talent. New additions include the composer, Ben Hollway, who has worked on the music promoting this year’s Oscar ceremonies and with recording artists such as Devlin, and Harlan Glenn, who has worked in a research capacity for HBO’s ‘The Pacific’ and ‘Band of Brothers’ and as Pacific theatre researcher for both the Medal of Honor and Call of Duty franchises. The trailer itself features the special effects work of Richard Dawson, another new member of the team.

    As you can see, with TWI’s support, this is a mod that is able to punch above its weight in terms of the quality of its crew. This is particularly so as RS has long been recruiting from the fertile gounds of the modding communities which grew up around TWI’s previous hits, Red Orchestra: Ostfront 1941-45 and Killing Floor. We do, however, still have openings for a couple more talented modellers to round off the ranks and applications can be made here.

    And, as a little extra, we are now inviting applications for beta testers, so we have a team ready for when the beta testing starts in March: - so head on over!

    Man darf also gespannt sein was noch so kommt.